SageHealth Network is dedicated to promoting the sexual health, socialization and positive aging of older adults and seniors. We offer unique health promotion workshops and social events focusing on older adults and seniors' needs and overall wellbeing.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Curious Victorian Invention Keeps On Buzzing

This summer, the movie Hysteria caused quite a buzz at the Toronto International Film Festival. The movie is about the invention of the vibrator in Victorian England. The big news is not that it was invented during the oft-cited prudishness that characterized the Victorian Period, but rather the vibrator was invented by a physician! If only my doctor was so open minded! It’s true. A doctor invented the electrical device to help alleviate the malady known as hysteria characterized by fatigue, ennui, nagging, and irritability. Coupled with electricity, doctors treated their female patients not even being aware that they were inducing orgasms since women were believed to be incapable of orgasm. It was just another day’s work. Research into the female nether regions was not a priority in the medical field at the time. Yet this did not bother the ladies who left the doctors’ office with a spring in their step and a smile on their face.

As the fifth electrified household appliance after the sewing machine, fan, tea kettle and toaster, the vibrator has come a long way.

According to the Durex Global Sex Survey, out of 26,000 people surveyed, 1 in 5 (21%) use vibrators and more than one-third (34%) use lubricants as part of their sex lives (Durex Sexual Wellbeing Survey 2010, http://www.durex.com).

Today, many people are well aware of the fact that older adults and seniors are sexually active. There is a world of intimacy aids waiting to be discovered that can really benefit older men and women. These products can be enjoyed by couples or singles. Everyone has the right to sexual pleasure no matter what their age. It’s time that older adults educated themselves on what is available to enhance their intimate relationships and individuals sex lives.

[Stay tuned for Part 2....]

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